Sithlord – From Out Of The Darkness


(Independent Release)



Saundies – Guitar/Vocals, Adrian Willis – Guitar, Jamael Rojo – Bass, Lee Mountney – Drums


Track Listing:

Next In Line
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)


I sense a great disturbance in the force, I fear all the jedi will be wiped out soon.

The Emperor is summoning the Sith, To gather & meet on the century moon.

 There he’ll distribute a list, to destroy the jedi once & for all.

And joining the Sithlords on each kill, the Emperor will say who’s next to fall.


How do you know you’re next in line to die?

When the Emperor points & stares you in the eye.

Says do or do not, there is no time to try.

That’s how you know you’re next in line to die.


No-one can help you now. Once your name comes up, there is nowhere to hide.

Even Master Yoda is not safe. From the sinister forces of the Dark Side.


How do you know you’re next in line to die? 

When the Emperor points & stares you in the eye.

Says do or do not, there is no time to try.

That’s how you know you’re next in line to die.

First thing you know, you’re next in line to die. 


We must fight back, if we’re to survive. Or the Empire will enslave everything alive.

Stand our ground & never give in, To make sure, the Emperor cannot win.


The deathlist of the Emperor, is getting shorter day by day.

As each jedi is struck down, their corpses just fade away.


How do you know you’re next in line to die?

When the Emperor points & stares you in the eye.

Says do or do not, there is no time to try.

That’s how you know you’re next in line to die.

First thing you know, you’re next in line to die.

Next thing you know, you’re next in line to die.

Rebel Scum
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)


The Emperor says, Jedi must die, must wipe them out.

They won’t go down, without a fight, keep your wits about.

Jedi are wise, strong with the force, be very cautious.

They’ll defend, until the end, attack with hate.


The sabers lights, flash in the dark, lighting up the night.

The Jedi fights, in his defence, fighting for his life.

I strike him down, in one swift blow, couldn’t block my strike.

As he takes, his last breath, he loses his life.


Deploy the fleet, attack positions…. & fire at will.

The Rebel Scum, won’t know what hit ‘em, no time for escape.

I have foreseen, their demise, in my visions.

With the Jedi gone, rebels are no more, the future’s looking bright.

From Out Of The Darkness
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)


Raise up the shields, the commander screamed. Deflect bombardments, from that Rebel fleet.

This whole attack, has come at surprise. Would not believe it, but I saw with my own eyes.

 This is a bold move, on their part. Did not expect them, to attack from the start.

Came out of hyperspace, without detection. Fortunately now, our shields provide protection.


From out of the darkness, they came here to fight.

Return all fire, let them suffer their plight.


Down on the surface, the rebels attack. In a coordinated plan, with explosive packs.

their target being, the shield generators. Diversions created with, timers on detonators.


From out of the darkness, they came here to fight.

Return all fire, let them suffer their plight.


From out of the darkness, they came here to fight.

Return all fire, let them suffer their plight.

 From out of the darkness, they came here to fight.

Return all fire, let them suffer their plight.

The Alliance Of Hate
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)


The Emperor & Imperius Leader unite, Stormtrooper & Cylon will fight, Side by side.

Fake distress calls are sent out, In the hope the enemy will give up, Their whereabouts.


The Rebels & the Humans hide, On a moon that no-one will find.

But one mistake with a communication break, Will reveal their location & seal their fate.


To the Alliance Of Hate, The Alliance Of Hate.


Star Destroyers & Base Ships search, In the outermost regions of, The universe.

Probe droids & scouts are deployed, Their radars pick up readings of, human life.


The Rebels & the Humans hide, On a moon that no-one will find.

But one mistake with a communication break, Will reveal their location & seal their fate.


To the Alliance Of Hate, The Alliance Of Hate.


The Rebels & the Humans hide, On a moon that no-one will find.

But one mistake with a communication break, Will reveal their location & seal their fate.


To the Alliance Of Hate, The Alliance Of Hate.

The Accursed
(Music by J. Bassan, Lyrics by A. Bassan)


In his words, it is spoken. In its vestments, it’s enfolded.

In this doll, sharp pins i stick. Piercing flesh, that’s pretty thick.


Evil powers of sorcery, fallen under the witches curse.


Restraints will, rack him. Cramps will, attack him.

Letting out, earsplitting wails. Growing weak, his strength fails.


Evil powers of sorcery, fallen under the witches curse.


The clock strikes, witching hour. Take a life, drained of all power.

Light of day, very far. Fear it now, the five pointed star.


Evil powers of sorcery, fallen under the witches curse.


The Accursed.

Siths Revenge
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)


Tonight a Sithlord has died, fallen to the saber of a Jedi.

Hearing this gives me a chill, for this Jedi we must kill.

He must know the feeling of pain, As limb by limb, he’ll be slain.

A lesson will be taught to all, We’ll avenge our comrades who fall.


Sensing the pain that was felt & hearing the echoing screams.

Words of spite exchanged, before dreaming the eternal dream.

He must know the feeling of pain, As limb by limb, he’ll be slain.

A lesson will be taught to all…..


Fear: what the Jedi feels just before they die.

Hatred: the Sith will have this look in their eye.

Anger: is what the Jedi will be struck down with.

Revenge: is a trait only known for the Sith.

The Return To Godless Times
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)


The flame of ancient Acheron, burns so brightly in the night.

Akivasha shall live again & return us to godless times.

Hand me the sacred dagger & I’ll pour her blood on it’s knife.

Only the scroll will tell us how, to bring our queen to life.

The dagger of blood must be placed in the flame, to ignite the evil ways.

Then into the ribcage of our queens corpse, I’ll stab the fiery blade.

Taking shape, she comes to life. My! How beautiful she is.

Welcoming her rise has initiated, the chaos that we miss.


Akivashas kingdom shall be restored, to it’s former glory.

With ancient Acheron law, green fire now glows, to create more evil history.

Offenders who defy the ancient law, shall be tortured to their death.

Meanwhile, darkness deploys across the land, for her rule with an iron fist.

The oppressive reign of Akivasha, has spread throughout the lands.

Now all religion has vanished & faith restored in man.

Uniting all with their inner souls, her followers come in strives.

To worship Queen Akivasha, for The Return To Godless Times.

Dead By Dawn
(Music by Saundies, Lyrics by A. Bassan)


Demons brethren, vaulted all day. In your house, they’d go away.

Midnight comes, summons you to hell. Possessive eyes, exhort you to kill.


Blood was spilt, terror was born, bodies were maimed, dead by dawn.


Bleeding hell, from the tape. Burn your eyes out, all ok.

Slaughtering all, like you’re sheep. Morbid corpse, dead that sleep.


Blood was spilt, terror was born, bodies were maimed, dead by dawn.


Feared death knell, there is no escape. Exhumed from hell, by summons on the tape.

Taking their souls, killers will be born. Leaving your dismembered corpse, dead by dawn.


The evil starts, takes your place. Murderous looks, upon your face.

Symbols appear, upon the walls. Enticing actions, make you to fall.


Blood was spilt, terror was born, bodies were maimed, dead by dawn.


Rising up from the abyss of all evil. Rage starting from the dawn of time.

The trees won’t let them leave. Pure evil in the back of your mind.


Feared death knell, there is no escape. Exhumed from hell, by summons on the tape.

Taking their souls, killers will be born. Leaving your dismembered corpse dead by f**king dawn.


Demons brethren, vaulted all day. In your house, they’d go away.

Midnight comes, summons you to hell. Possessive eyes, exhort you to kill.


Blood was spilt, terror was born. Bodies were maimed, dead by dawn.



Recorded, mixed & mastered by the ever so patient Adam ‘The Wizard’ Calaitzis at Toyland Recording Studio

Photos by Steve McNeil at Still In Motion Photography
Cover art & graphic work by Scott McMahon

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