Sithlord – Jettison The Dead EP


(Barbarian Wrath)


Saundies – Guitar/Vocals, Mark Cullen – Lead Guitar, Jamael Rojo – Bass, Brandon Gawith – Drums

Track Listing:

Jettison The Dead
(Music: Sithlord, Lyrics: Saundies)

Stowing away aboard a cargo ship, I must get off world.

The crew only knows of my presence, when the klaxon sounds the alert.

They scurry down to the cargo bay, with blasters primed & aimed.

I ignite my blade & with a scarlet glow, the crew fall lifeless to the deck.

Gather up the bodies & jettison the dead. Pile them in the airlock & jettison the dead.

Prepare to open the hatch & jettison the dead. & flush them out into the blackness of space.

Jettison The Dead, Jettison The Dead

The last thing that the captain felt, was a lightsaber hilt under her jaw.

Scorching red plasma chews upward, & bursts through the top of her skull!

The medical droid i left intact, can pilot the ship for me.

And assisting with disposal of the crew, it’s name is 11-4D.

Gather up the bodies & jettison the dead. Pile them in the airlock & jettison the dead.

Prepare to open the hatch & jettison the dead. & flush them out into the blackness of space.

Jettison The Dead, Jettison The Dead

Jettison The Dead!

Cauterised End
(Music: Sithlord, Lyrics: Saundies)

My heart is a furnace, my eyes are ablaze, I feel the anger flow.

I ignite my blade then you ignite yours, now i’m faced with a crimson glow.

No blood will flow, a smoking wound will show.

Of charred skin & flesh, blackness will descend.

Your Cauterised End!

With my teeth bared in a sinister snarl, the clash of blades begin.

In a moment of pure clarity, I know you cannot win.

No blood will flow, a smoking wound will show.

Of charred skin & flesh, blackness will descend

Your Cauterised End!

I overpower you, you’re old & weak, I sense your fear start to rise.

Our blades are crossed & locked at the hilts, I see the panic in your eyes.

The panic in your eyes!

You lose your hands, i gain your blade…… & with mine, I cross them at your neck.

Down on your knees, your face is blank, I uncross the blades & away falls your head.

& away falls your head!

Murderer & murdered stare blindly but only the murderer blinks.

Rage has pushed me to the Dark Side, now i’m teetering on the brink.

No blood will flow, a smoking wound will show

Of charred skin & flesh, blackness will descend

Your Cauterised End!

Mesh Of Machinations
(Music: Sithlord, Lyrics: Saundies)

The dark! Fully concealed! Slowly engulfing the chosen one within itself.

The fear! The crippling fear! I’ve designed events to make him feel this way.

Reaching out to his mind, twisting his thoughts to hate.

An inferno rages inside, sealing in his fate.

Utilizing deception, my activities i always hide.

Weaving my Mesh Of Machinations, seducing him to the Dark Side.

Out-dated! The Councils way! Their archaic teachings are pushing him towards me.

Resentment! Towards them all! His trust in them has now just crumbled away.

Reaching out to his mind, twisting his thoughts to hate.

An inferno rages inside, sealing in his fate.

Utilizing deception, controlling his destiny.

Weaving my Mesh Of Machinations, he will never be free.

Backlash! The traitors rise! A petition’s arranged by his traitorous wife.

His hate! Swelling inside! I’m the only one that hasn’t betrayed his trust.

Reaching out to his mind, twisting his thoughts to hate.

An inferno rages inside, sealing in his fate.

Utilizing deception, my activities i’ll always hide.

I weaved my Mesh Of Machinations & seduced him to the Dark Side.

What Is Thy Bidding, My Master?
(Music: Sithlord, Lyrics: Saundies)

I feel the fear… but i can’t show it. I feel the anger… but i can’t let it show.

I feel the aggression… but i can’t control it. I feel the hate… but i can’t let it flow.

My future has been forseen, mighty & powerful, i will become.

I will unlearn what i have learnt……

I kneel before you & i pledge myself, what is thy bidding…… my Master?

I crave the power & the knowledge that you hold, what is thy bidding…… my Master?

Feeling the hate swelling in me now, my anger is my greatest asset.

Rage will make me invincible, you are pleased with my progress.

My future has been forseen, mighty & powerful, i will become.

I will unlearn what i have learnt & become the fiercest Sith Lord of all time.

I kneel before you & i pledge myself, what is thy bidding…… my Master?

I crave the power & the knowledge that you hold, what is thy bidding…… my Master?

Upon the galaxy, my rage will be unleashed, is this your bidding…… my Master?

I seek the quickest & the easiest path, is this my fate…… my Master?

Fear, Hate, Aggression, you sense these elements now.

I’ll use them to strike you down & complete my journey to the Dark Side.

I kneel before you & i pledge myself, what is thy bidding…… my Master?

I crave the power & the knowledge that you hold, what is thy bidding…… my Master?

Upon the galaxy, my rage will be unleashed, is this your bidding…… my Master?

I seek the quickest & the easiest path, this is my destiny…… my Master!

Recorded, mixed & mastered by the ever so patient Adam ‘The Wizard’ Calaitzis at Toyland Recording Studio

Photos by Mel Kuhn
Cover art by Rick Zesati & layout by Sith Happens Grafix

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