Sithlord – Labyrinth To The Gods


(Bleed Records)



Saundies – Guitar/Vocals, Scott McMahon – Guitar, Jay Sanders – Bass, Jason ‘Snorkelbender’ Dutton – Drums

Track Listing:

(Music by Saundies)

Labyrinth To The Gods
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)

The eternal journey of searching for the gods, has become fairytale & myth.

But only those who are true to their hearts, will ever see the labyrinth.


Test your faith & you will seek, the labyrinth to the gods.

Thousands have tried to succeed, the labyrinth to the gods.

All have died ‘coz faith was weak, in the labyrinth to the gods.

Now it is my turn to seek, the labyrinth to the gods.


Staring down the mountainous caverns, that will lead the way.

Mighty guards of the labyrinth, warn mortals to turn away.


Test your faith & you will seek, the labyrinth to the gods.

Thousands have tried to succeed, the labyrinth to the gods.

All have died ‘coz faith was weak, in the labyrinth to the gods.

Now it is my turn to seek, the labyrinth to the gods.


Quest is over, labyrinth has been found.

Half decayed skeletons, can be seen all around.


Test your faith & you will seek, the labyrinth to the gods.

Thousands have tried to succeed, the labyrinth to the gods.

All have died ‘coz faith was weak, in the labyrinth to the gods.

Now it is my turn to seek, the labyrinth to the gods.

Disinterred Faith
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies, Musical arrangement by J. Dutton)

Immortal being, i gave my life to you.

I was intrigued by everything you’d do.

You gained my trust & lured me to your sect,

became your servant from two puncture wound on my neck.


You showed me sights, that took my sanity & blew it all away.

You are the one, that turned me into the beast i am today.

You must die.


You ungrateful fool, i gave you centuries of life.

You must obey…… obey the chants in the night.

Kneel before me, for my will is your command.

If thou shall not, thou will die by my hand.


You showed me sights, that took my sanity & blew it all away.

You are the one, that turned me into the beast i am today.

You must die.

(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)

Her eyes are so black, she’s the queen of attack, demons wife to be.

Only moves through the night, so terror is in full fright & can attack easily.


There’s only one thing, you can do, that’s hope & pray.

‘Coz after one night with the demonslut, your memories will fade away.

Try to run or hide, demonslut will be out for blood tonight.


No-one hears her, no-one sees her, comes & goes in a blink of an eye.

No-one knows her & no-one wants to, except for me, ‘coz i must die.


There’s only one thing, you can do, that’s hope & pray.

‘Coz after one night with the demonslut, your memories will fade away.

Try to run or hide, demonslut will be out for blood tonight.


They try so hard to enslave Angelique, she never will submit.

Creating destruction wherever she goes, every fire you see, she lit.


There’s only one thing, you can do, that’s hope & pray.

‘Coz after one night with the demonslut, your memories will fade away.

Try to run or hide, demonslut will be out for blood tonight.

Enslaved To Hades
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)

Black fills the sky in eternal war,  a battle of religion where millions have died

Evil dynasty has declared the destruction, where no-one shall survive

Rivers of blood flood the streets, brain & flesh float along in the current. 

Mindless thoughts let thousands of soldiers, CRUSH, KILL, DESTROY!

We are enslaved to Hades, pure darkness will prevail.

Prepare for your life to fade, we are enslaved to Hades.

Attack all who bear the mark, for they can  provide the prophecy.

But there’s no chance of downfall, apart from their own demise.

Warriors slaughter the non-believers, total bloody massacre condemns the future

Of a thousand million souls, eternally enslaved to Hades.

We are enslaved to Hades, pure darkness will prevail.

Prepare for your life to fade, we are enslaved to Hades.

(Music by Saundies, Arrangement By S. McMahon)

Unlisted Track:

Dawning Of The New Millennium In Darkness
(Demo Version)
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)

Here they come, dressed in black, united by hate, for the eternal attack.

Jedi won’t stand a chance, for the Sithlords will come, & strike you down.


The flash of a red laser blade, will conjure up visions of your fate.

You could save the universe if, you defeat the mighty Darklords of the Sith.


Sithlords cannot be defeated, the Emperor they must impress.

This is the dawning of, the new millennium in darkness.


You tried to attack & now you’re dead, your army, your family, they’re all dead.

Sithlords came & took thier lives, dark side of the force is what keeps them alive.


The flash of a red laser blade, will conjure up visions of your fate.

You could save the universe if, you defeat the mighty Darklords of the Sith.


Sithlords cannot be defeated, the Emperor they must impress.

This is the dawning of, the new millennium in darkness.


The time has come, to take your stand. or they‘ll destroy, your only land.

if there is no-one, to defend the law, sithlords will reign, forever more.


The flash of a red laser blade, will conjure up visions of your fate.

You could save the universe if, you defeat the mighty Darklords of the Sith.


Sithlords cannot be defeated, the Emperor they must impress.

This is the dawning of, the new millennium in darkness.

Recorded & mixed by the ever so patient Adam ‘The Wizard’ Calaitzis at Toyland Recording Studio

Mastered By Crystal Mastering

Cover art & graphic work by Scott McMahon

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