Sithlord – The Return To Godless Times

20th Anniversary Edition


(Barbarian Wrath)



Saundies – Guitars/Vocals, Jay Sanders – Bass

Track Listing:

(Music by Saundies, Lyrics by A. Bassan)


The hand of death sweeps forth, mortal living takes its course

Living in fear, it’s your final hour, Your flesh will be ripped & devoured


Crimson blood stains your reflections

Flayed alive, Mortal Dissection


Fear of death, you stand before, Thoughts surprised this inhuman four

There you lie in a sea of red, Cannibal apocalypse of the undead


Crimson blood stains your reflections

Flayed alive, Mortal Dissection


Sepulchral screams sound in the distance, Flailing axes offer no resistance

Draining life force will be bled, Under command of the undead


The hand of death sweeps forth, mortal living takes its course

Living in fear, it’s your final hour, Your flesh will be ripped & devoured

Summoning Thy Master
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)

I summon thee, o’ masters of Sith, forces of darkness intertwine

Evil powers of the Emperor, darkness prevails in the light


Praise thee, hail thee, i worship thee….. my Master, the evil one

Devastation fills the Earth, exploding into hell


Destructive forces, annihilate all standing, blown away to void

Dark warriors, sent by the Emperor, reign the universe supreme

Holy Virgins Demise
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)


Ritualistic massacre, your gods frown from above

Destroying everything, you were born to believe

I raped your virgin, before her decapitation

Attack me in, your desperation


Dying eyes stare, praying for mercy

I have the soul, ripped out by sorcery

Power of the night, excites the evil one

My master, is yours now


Hellish crossfire, takes control, arise from the grave

The army of the dead awaits command, to attack the mortal slaves



Predator Moon
(Music by Saundies, Arrangement & Lyrics By J. Dutton)

Hunger, an airborne sent. Moon, in golden twilight

Shadows, twisting into darkness. Howls, proclaim our feast


The pack will survive, feeding upon preyed flesh

Blood we lust, circle of life is complete


Senses alert the herd is near

The pack keep pace though undergrowth and trees

Trip, fall, stagger, running for your lives

All part of the food chain, the young and old die


Bite, Bite, Bite


In your flight of sheer panic, a fatal mistake is made

Terrified, exhausted and dazed

Pinned to the ground by blood lusted wolves

Biting into death-prone flesh, A plaything to eat is all that you are

A meal befit for wolves, a meal befit for wolves


Gnawed face, goured eyes, gasping breath, ripped skin

Fresh blood, crushed throat, torn flesh, shattered bones

Burst brain, punctured lung, quarted limbs, ruptured corpse

Dead heart, absent soul


Deaths cries will go unheard 

Violent deaths go undisturbed


Summer heat haze, asleep in the shade. Smoke and fire, ravage the land

On which all life depends, autumn landscape a wonder of colours

Prepare for winter winds from the north


Winter snow, white covers the trees. Food hides until springs light

The old come as food with the melting of the snow

Springs warmth, creatures give birth

Forest explodes with new life


The pack will survive, feeding upon preyed flesh

Blood we lust, circle of life is complete


Predator…… Predator moon!!!

Dawning Of The New Millennium In Darkness
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)

Here they come, dressed in black, united by hate, for the eternal attack

Jedi won’t stand a chance, for the Sithlords will come, & strike you down


The flash of a red laser blade, will conjure up visions of your fate

You could save the universe if, you defeat the mighty Dark Lords of the Sith


Sithlords cannot be defeated, the Emperor they must impress

This is the dawning of, the new millennium in darkness


You tried to attack & now you’re dead, your army, your family, they’re all dead

Sithlords came & took thier lives, Dark side of the force is what keeps them alive


The flash of a red laser blade, will conjure up visions of your fate

You could save the universe if, you defeat the mighty Dark Lords of the Sith


Sithlords cannot be defeated, the Emperor they must impress

This is the dawning of, the new millennium in darkness


The time has come, to take your stand. or they‘ll destroy, your only land

If there is no-one, to defend the law, Sithlords will reign, forever more


The flash of a red laser blade, will conjure up visions of your fate

You could save the universe if, you defeat the mighty Dark Lords of the Sith


Sithlords cannot be defeated, the Emperor they must impress

This is the dawning of, the new millennium in darkness

Condemned To The Grave
(Music by Saundies, Lyrics by A. Bassan)

A battle of forces beyond death, dark entity destroying all

Evil dynastys reign of terror, mortality concedes your downfall


Danger no refuge holds, war without peace

For him hearing the endless torture, the violence’ll never cease


Land littered with mutilated corpses

Wandering through blood drenched fields

Seeking natures darkest forces

You will die by the sword you wield

Finding avenue to do battle 

Into the beasts lair you’re enticed

Feeling foreign pleasures of the flesh

A dead command for a diabolical price


A battle of forces beyond death, dark entity destroying all

Evil dynastys reign of terror, mortality concedes your downfall


Danger no refuge holds, war without peace

For him hearing the endless torture, the violence’ll never cease

Grim Thoughts
(Music & Lyrics by Saundies)

I think of you being run through with a sword

How does defend against the mighty Darklord

Shades of blackened red create the scene 

Of grim thoughts taken from a mind extreme


No reasons or excuses can i really explain

The thought of weak warriors getting slaughtered & slain

Excites the thinking patterns of my brain

Where sickness & insanity forever remain


Grim thoughts


Crashing the mace through your skull

Instead of seeing light, everything is dull

Not thoughts anymore, all’s turned to reality

Any meeting with me, ends in fatality


No reasons or excuses can i really explain

The thought of weak warriors getting slaughtered & slain

Excites the thinking patterns of my brain

Where sickness & insanity forever remain


Grim thoughts

Necronomicon Ex Mortis
(Music by Saundies, Lyrics by A. Bassan)


Bound in human flesh, inked in human blood

Ancient book of evil rites, of the lord Satan

Hidden forces beyond control, so they said

Bringing destruction for those who read

the book of the dead


Morbid abominations, proclaimed on every page 

Beads of blood start to pour

A written manuscript, of forbidden rituals, 

Leaving trail of death & gore


Bound in human flesh, inked in human blood

Ancient book of evil rites, of the lord Satan

Hidden forces beyond control, so they said

Bringing destruction for those who read

the book of the dead


Unlisted Track:

Advance Australia Fair
(Peter Dodds McCormick)
Guest backing vocals by John Farnham


Drums By Jason ‘Snorkelbender’ Dutton

Remixed & remastered by the ever so patient Adam ‘The Wizard’ Calaitzis at Toyland Recording Studio

Skull art by Boris Vallejo

Layout by Sith Happens Grafix

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